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Home > Projetos > Estimates of CO2 emissions balance from land use and land cover changes (LUCC) for Rio Grande do Norte Caatinga vegetation – (Maria das Vitórias Medeiros da Mata, Dra.)

Estimates of CO2 emissions balance from land use and land cover changes (LUCC) for Rio Grande do Norte Caatinga vegetation – (Maria das Vitórias Medeiros da Mata, Dra.)

PhD thesis on Climate Sciences, Exact and Earth Sciences Center of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Advisors: Judith Hoelzemann and Jean Ometto. The research presents unpublished estimates of CO2 emissions balance from land use and land cover changes (LUCC) for RN Caatinga vegetation, using the INPE-EM emissions model (INPE-Emission Model), adapted to the most relevant activities related to LUCC for the study region. In model adaptation, spatial deforestation data were used (2000 – 2010), and biomass, as well as other parameters available in the literature, for example, the percentage of biomass removed and burned above and below ground, cut decay thereof and number of years for the abandonment of areas.