In case of doubts contact our team by email and we will return as soon as possible. Suggestions, criticisms, relevant information or interest in partnerships are also welcome.
In case of doubts contact our team by email and we will return as soon as possible. Suggestions, criticisms, relevant information or interest in partnerships are also welcome.
This service is the result of a scientific collaboration between the Earth System Science Center (CCST), the Earth Observation Coordination (OBT) and the Amazon Regional Centre (CRA), all from INPE , and several partner institutions:
• Initial model design: Carlos Nobre (MCTI), David Lapola (UNESP), João Vianei Soares (INPE-OBT).
• Dynamics of Secondary Vegetation: Claudio Almeida (INPE-CRA), Ima Vieira (Museu Goeldi).
• Deforestation and biomass: Dalton Valeriano (INPE-OBT), Luis Maurano (INPE-OBT), Marisa Mota (INPE-OBT), Reginal Alvala (CEMADEN), Sassan Saatchi (NASA), FUNCATE.
• Emission coefficients: Karla Longo (INPE-CCST).
• Technical discussions: Peter Toledo (INPE-CCST), Roberto Araújo (INPE-CCST), Juan Castillo Rubio (PSI), Gilberto Câmara (INPE-OBT), Mercedes Bustamente (UnB).
• TerraME: Pedro Andrade (INPE-CCST), Tiago Carneiro (UFOP).
• Forest degradation and integration with dynamic vegetation models (under development): Luiz Aragão, Gilvan Sampaio, Manoel Cardoso.
Thanks initially to all colleagues mentioned above, especially to Dr. Carlos Nobre, head of CCST from 2008 until 2011, who came with the original idea and the motivation for the development of the model.
We thank all the PhD and Postdoctoral engaged in adapting the INPE-IN to other biomes and incorporation of new processes, which led the advances of the new version: Alan de Brito, Eraclito Neto, Christianne Riquetti Corsini, Juliana Kury, Sosthenes Gomes, Maria of Victories Medeiros da Mata (UFRN), and Leticia Hissa (Humboldt University). You are the motivation for making the software free and available for all.
Thanks Bruna Leal, Giovana Espindola, Missae Yamamoto, Luciana Soler, André Gavlak, Pedro Valle for supporting the development of the early versions of the model and construction of the databases. We thank colleagues of the Land Use/Climate Network (Rede Clima, Sub-rede de Uso da Terra) for the support and exchange of scientific information, especially Roberta Zecchini and Pedro Valle de Carvalho Oliveira and for all the support in the consistency of the data and parameters of the Brazil National Communication to the Convention on Climate Change.
We thank the Planetary Skin Institute ( the technical discussions and financial support to the development of the initial version of the model. The development had partial support from other research projects, in particular the INCT Climate Change (Land Use Change Component), Project LUA (FAPESP Program on Climate Change) and AMAZALERT (